Annotated bibliography, the Spartan military,, January 8 2011

I used this website for help with getting information on the weapons that were used in ancient Sparta during war.

Edger Christopher, Agoge- Spartan military training,, January 8 2011

I used this website for information on how they determined if a newborn boy would be able to be a Spartan soldier, and how they trained them., Spartan weapons,, January 10 2011

I used this website for more information on ancient Spartan weapons.

Odijk Pamela, The Greeks, the macmillian company of Australia PTY LTD

 I used this book for the ways of their military.

Powell Anton, Ancient Greece, equinox LTD 1889

I used this book for the ways they trained and their goals.

Author unknown, Social class-Helots...,

i used this website for information on the Helots.